The bling invasion scores another stronghold

I just spotted here, in the university center at FIU, a bling-equipped electric wheelchair.

It had short red neon tubes underneath providing underbody lighting, chrome spinner rims, and the silliest part of all? It had those skate wheels with the little magneto/color LED hubs and clear rubber surround for the small rollers at the back that prevent it from tipping backwards when running over curb cuts. It kinda reminded me, perhaps, of Craig Johnson’s wheels, but with less “cool” and more “oh dear gods that is WRONG”.

Like any such modifications, these were aesthetic only. The chair could still just barely make 2 mph.

And it is moments like these, OF COURSE, when I find my excellent Spotmatic II out of film with no spare roll handy to document the pure WEIRD.

Le sigh.

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