Best Buy

Best Buy = obnoxious.

Best Buy

Best Buy has some of the most obnoxious stores I have ever encountered. They think nothing of one-hour (or longer) waits in checkout and customer service lines, publish deceptive advertising, offering products that either do not exist at their stores, or do not offer stuff at the advertised prices. They also have some of the WORST merchandise handling practices I have ever seen! I once witnessed a Best Buy employee drop a Hewlett-Packard printer from a ladder about twelve feet in the air, allowing it to hit the ground... WHACK. It was then delivered to a customer (who I took it into my own hands to warn of that before she managed to leave the store, *whew*.) That nonsense aside...

April 24, 2002: Worst Buy!

Deceptive advertising sucks. I'm sure we've all encountered it somewhere or other.
Best Buy, however, has taken it to almost scandalous proportions.
As seen in this Slashdot story, Best Buy has used deceptive advertising to lure hundreds of shoppers to its stores, only to NOT give them products at the price promised.
