Archive for the 'Events' Category

Home, sweet mini-mall?

Posted in Events on June 23rd, 2005

Anyone who lives in South Florida knows that it’s a great madhouse of development and redevelopment. Wetlands are being replaced with housing developments and shopping centers, land once used for agricultural purposes is disappearing in massive, multi-million dollar land grabs, and the over-stressed network of roads is nearing total 24-hour gridlock due to the steady increases in traffic.

A recent Supreme Court ruling probably won’t help one bit.

Dear America: GO TO YOUR ROOM. You DISGUST me. … that’s it, go to bed with no dinner.

The U.S. Supreme Court has just ruled that municipalities may sieze land used by existing homes and businesses to fulfill commercial land acquisitions for private use. In short, this means that a developer can go to the city or county and ask them to swipe your land with very minimal compensation to you to build a new residential or commercial development.

Those of you living within about a block of any of the major roads in south Florida, take note. You may be moving out before long…

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