Most of these photos were taken just before or sometime around May
22, 2002.

You're going where?

Oh, ok, this is the
triangle-triangle-triangle-triangle... to 152nd Avenue.

MASS CRASH! These are only a few of about 60
workstations that were simultaneously crashed by a cute little program
called NetOp, which locks out keyboard and mouse input and transfers the
contents of the instructor's workstation screen to all the student
workstations, allowing some lessons to be given without requiring use of the
craptacular overhead projector. Unfortunately, once NetOp was started, it
never sychronized, and... splat! The arrow indicates the only survivor!

Yep. MDTA has such GREAT ridership.

Coolest. Sign. EVER.

Most. Ominous. Sign. EVER.

If you've never seen one of these, you're
living under a rock.

Uhoh, the sky's getting all nasty, better go
somewhere it's *relatively* safer...

Almost there... oh good, the paranoid locals are
protecting us with signage.

Ahh, home, bizarre home.

Well, doesn't EVERYONE have these on their desk?

Another gratuitous nixie shot.

Just some shiny objects.