Around by one of the shops, this dust collector ensures a clean and safe
work environment. This collector is piped to the area around a shot-blasting
booth. The round holes here are filter access panels. Nearby was
a cyclonic-action collector for heavier crud (sawdust). At the top of this
unit was a nifty metal trapdoor thing designed to allow explosions inside
the unit to vent safely without turning it into shrapnel.

Parking area. An endless group of cars prepares to take to the evening
smogfest once classes get out.

Running track; School For Advanced Studies portable.
And now, on to the softer side...
I tried to take a panorama of this chalk mural found near the library, but
the images didn't match up because I suck. So, here it is in four parts.

This image was kinda strange. I couldn't even see WHAT was there, just that
something was, so I photographed it and used the brightness/contrast
controls in The Gimp to reveal the hidden

Hang ten!

I'm way too fond of this drawing. My photos do it no justice. The way the
chalk image has softened and run with rainfall and wind is just totally
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